Copyright and License

This program is Copyright 1998 by Richard S. Palais.
All rights reserved.

1) Distribution.

The latest version of the program is available by anonymous ftp at the URL: .

It is also available from the following mirror sites:

Site Administrator: Dominique Bernardi ---

Site Administrator: Michael Murray ---

Site Administrator: Ai Nung Wang ---

Hong Kong:
Site Administrator: Law Wai Kuen (Keith)

Please let me know of any problems you encounter as well as any suggested improvements, preferably by email to:

Anyone receiving an authorized copy of the 3D-Filmstrip distribution may transfer individual copies to others, either by magnetic media or by email to an individual. The program may be also be placed on LAN servers of non-profit educational and research organizations. (However, please always make available the full distribution folder, including all of the documentation and examples.)

If you find that Internet bandwidth problems in your geographical area make it difficult to download 3D-Filmstrip from any of the above mirror sites, and if you would like to volunteer to set up another mirror site locally, please contact me to make the appropriate arrangements.

2) Using and Copying the Program.

If you receive this program as explained above, then you are welcome to use it for non-commercial personal use, and also for research and educational purposes in a non-profit academic setting. This includes the right to make such copies as are reasonable for these purposes.

If there is sufficient interest in the program, then in order to support further development, maintenance, and wider distribution, I will probably publish an enhanced version as a commercially distributed program. Until such time, if you would like to license this program for some commercial purpose, please contact me to make appropriate arrangements.

Richard S. Palais
Department of Mathematics
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02254--9110 USA
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Tel: 617 899 4951
FAX: 617 642 6266

Documentation Table Of Contents.
Documentation Index.